Window Meditation {Video}

I can’t help but think of Melissa Etheridge as I post this meditation ‘Come to my window / Crawl inside, wait by the light of the moon’ … and I am sure you know how the rest of the song goes. If not, you can check it out HERE!

The inspiration for this meditation came while looking out my window, watching the changing of seasons, letting my thoughts flow, and filling the void of freedom that I, along with I am sure many of you, are longing for during this time of unknown.

Windows are magic doors that lead to an endless amount of opportunity. They allow us to see through walls, to feel the warmth of the sun and the cold of the snow. They are a romantic scene for love sonnets as seen in Romeo and Juliet or to connect with a love via dropping your long beautiful hair, thank you Rapunzel. They are a way to physically escape as seen in soo many teen movies (although I don’t recommend physically escaping), and they are a way to remain safe as seen by Macauly Caulkin who peered out of windows to avoid burglars in Home Alone. They bring excitement as children across the World peek out of their windows in hopes of seeing a glimpse of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve and bring joy to everyone who wishes on a star. They are the channel through which fresh air enters our houses, the scent of wild flowers fill the air, and song birds can be heard. They are a means for regulating out circadian clocks, and allow for beautiful decor to enter our houses, yes I am referring to curtains. For many an employee, philosopher, writer, entrepreneur, etc. they are the means of entering a creative flow state, a place where pondering happens, and brilliant ideas emerge (there is a reason why a corner office is a thing). They show us a different perspective, a means to marvel at the world, and in this case, at this time especially, a connection to nature and a sense of freedom.

I hope you enjoy the light of the moon because we will all be out of our homes and free again soon. (Yes, a spoof on lyrics.) Until then, try this morning meditation and let me know in the comments below what it sparks in you!

See You At Sunrise,
