12 Quotes to Guide Your Spring Journaling


I never knew the power of journaling until I recently put pen to paper and took it back up. Let me share, it has allowed me to digest my thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a life changing way ultimately resulting in a sense of calm and clarity.

As we start to emerge from our cocoons and re - enter the outdoors, Mother Nature welcomes us with Spring. A season of ‘rebirth’, where dormant nature awakens with beauty, splendor and awe. The Sun shines a bit brighter, colors of vibrant flowers flood our scenery, and the air is fragrant … kissed by the flowers in a subtly sweet way.

We too are a part of nature, and just as our favorite animals and vegetation spring up and are ‘reborn’ so too are we.

I urge you to scroll through the list of quotes I have compiled, and pick a few to focus on and journal about. Whether it is turning inwards to self - examine your roots, your family history that has molded you into who you are today OR evaluating what does or does not serve you … Go there! Be BOLD! Do the work! And in Spring you are ‘REBORN’ ; chirping like the harmonious birds we awaken to on spring mornings.

I invite you to, SHARE in the comments below which quote is your favorite and why!

See You At Sunrise,

S. Marie