Mother Nature + What She Reminded Me During COVID - 19
I have a small but cozy 45 square meter mono - locale (studio apartment) which I share with my fiancée and our cat, Cocolino, near the city center of Milan, Italy. Living in close quarters can be challenging, especially during this quarentina. One of my daily highlights is looking out our kitchen window at the surrounding nature and observing. When we entered this strict lockdown over 46 days ago we were in the later part of winter. The trees were dormant, the grass was non - existent, flowers were few, and the only noises to be heard were the rare cars going by, chatter from neighbors walking their dogs, and, sadly, sirens. As time passed, slowly a tree visible from our window to the left, with no knowledge of its genius, started to form blossoms, and beautiful magnolias appeared. The last magnolia blossoms quickly fell just as the buds were springing out of deciduous tress to the right of our vantage point. Within two weeks the trees sprung, and are now full of vibrant green leaves.
You know how there are profound moments where you just know you are going to remember them forever. The ones that linger and make you feel light when you recall them. Bringing a smirk or soft smile to your face. Well, this is one of those.
The Milan lockdown rules have just been slightly lifted and, now, include permitting those without dogs to walk 200 m from our apartments with the mandatory requirement of wearing a mask. Prior to this only those with dogs and those going to the Super Markets or Pharmacies were allowed to walk freely on the streets surrounding their dwellings.
Happy about this progression towards lifting the lockdown, I mapped out 200 meters from our apartment and the pinpoint just so happened to land at the park a block away. Very enthusiastic about the thought of submerging myself in nature at the park, I left for a simple and slow one block walk.
To my surprise everything was beautifully blooming. There were purple wisteria, cherry blossoms, green grass in the parks with tiny white daisies perfectly sprinkled in, and flowers. Flowers and greenery everywhere. Truly breathtaking!
I could not get enough of Mother Nature’s beauty. I wanted to breathe her in. Capture every breath and moment. Encapsulate it and create a mental photograph so that I could revisit her and these moments of beauty at any time and anywhere.
I moved slowly. Walked gently.
In some regard, I felt like a kid again. Exploring the land of the backyard with no concept of time; just me, the sunshine and mother nature.
Nearing the end of my walk, which by the way was the longest one block 200 meter walk to date, I contemplated the concept of Mother Nature … welcoming us back outside with her vibrance. One thought flowed into the next and I eventually arrived at ‘Mother Nature does not pause’. She is constantly in flow. From season to season. Environment to environment. Temperature to temperature. Despite Covid - 19, she continues! What a thought!
I forget where I heard this, but somewhere along the way, someone bestowed on me the idea that ‘Mother Nature always takes care of herself’. This statement has always stuck with me, and has yet to be proven untrue.
On a holistic and energetic level, she takes the time to pause and sleep during late autumn and throughout winter so that she can exude energy and shine in Spring. In Summer she soaks up all of the nutrients and stores what is needed to flow through the cycle again. If she is unable to survive the harsh environment of winter she hibernates, migrates, pivots, making the changes necessary to flourish in goodness. And all of this is ‘second nature”, ie there is no questioning it, it just is.
I emerged from behind the construction site turning the corner towards home, sun shining, birds chirping, other masked people walking around, and I took it all in.
Yes, I am with Mother Nature, in Nature, enjoy Nature, and AM NATURE. With this deepened gratitude and connection, a sense of calm trickled through me. Mother Nature is doing her thing, a thing soo natural … and in our fast paced lives we have no choice but to pause while she continues.
Standing in the sunlight I take one more mental snap shot, of the women standing in the street keeping their distance, waiting to enter the veggie show. La dolce vita!
And in Spring, we too will blossom into a new beautiful phase of life. One with more nuture for ourselves, each other, and Mother Nature.
What have you discovered during this moment of PAUSE? Where do you find your calm? Please share in the comments below!
See you at Sunrise,